20 June 2010


I love the sound of rain. As long as I'm nice and cozy inside that is. Actually, not entirelly true, I do enjoy going out in the rain, as long as I have warm trousers, socks, boots that don't leak and a coat. A scarf can't hurt either.

The pounding rain makes me feel at home. I realised this when I went to Melbourne in the winter several years ago. It was raining so hard then and it occured to me that when you go away on holiday we always go in the summer, or to somewhere that is hot, sunny and beautiful. So we are usually at home when it's cold, rainy and miserable.

It's raining pretty hard right now on this Sunday morning and I'm tucked up in bed watching TV online and bloging about rain. I love days like this. Now if I only had a gorgeous man who would bring me a hot breakfast and snuggle up next to me. I'll just have to settle for my very needy cats instead.


  1. If you had asked I could have done a hot breakfast?

    and I am rather hot (or am I just too close to the heater?)

  2. not really the point now is it?!
