28 June 2010

Mum explains my dislike for snow. . .

This morning I got an email from my Mum:

"HI I LOVED your blog I laughed out loud several times. You are such a plonker. We did go up the mountain once when you were about 4, you HATED it and whinged and moaned the whole time. Its cold, its wet, it to far, its slippery, I wanna go back to the car , Lexi was right into it Hooning down slopes on plastic bags. etc. We never did it again !!"

Well that explains it! I never had any desire to go skiing, and now that I've been and stood in the snow and made a snowman, I'm done. It was fun to do and I'm glad I've done it, but it's now ticked off. No need to go again. heheehe.

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