21 May 2011

The next challenge

So the 30 Day Challenge was really interesting. I actually enjoyed doing it (I wasn't sure if I would) and it got me back in to being excited about blogging regularly again. Now that I've done it, I wonder about doing another challenge. I had been thinking that I would do another one and was pleasantly surprised to have one loyal fan suggest I do too. Of course that then begs the question about what the challenge should be. . .

30 days of blogging turned out to be a lot easier than I thought. So maybe something a bit longer. However, I've seen many people do year long challenges (most popular being a photo a day for a year), but I'm not sure that I can really commit myself to that. Of course I'd do my best but just don't know that I could do it.

I have a few ideas for a new challenge. And I'd like to do all of them over time. I'm also looking for ideas for new challenges, so all ideas are welcome, just leave a comment or flick me an email. Here are some ideas I'm working on:

* I have a pack of pastels. 36 colours in the pack. One pastel per day and I would post a photo with that colour featured. A photo a day might be a bit difficult time wise so thought maybe I'd do it so that it's one pastel per week.

* Rachel and Lu have leant me the Girl Guiding Handbook which has all the badges and the criteria for earning them. Over the summer John, Rachel and I talked about earning the badges now seeing as we didn't do it when we were kids. I'm not quiet sure how to turn this in to a blog challenge too, but perhaps it would be regular updates on progress?

* Getting everyone I know to ask me a question and I'll answer one per day.

* I saw a 60 day photo challenge where you showed a photo each day for the prompt given. I just have to remember where I saw it so that I can get the prompts.

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