19 May 2011

The latest craze

Have you heard of 'Planking'? Apparently it's the latest craze in Australia and it's fast catching on in New Zealand, possibly the rest of the world too.

A few days ago a friend posted a picture of her 6month old son on Facebook with the caption "baby planking". I didn't know what that meant so brushed it off. In the news today was the story about a young man that has died in Australia after attempting a very risky 'planking' from atop his apartment building.

Still confused about what 'planking' really is?! Me too. So I youtubed it and found this:


Hilarious. Whoever came up with such a ridiculous game and then managed to turn it in to an international craze is a genius. Well, perhaps not a genius, but funny at least.

So, now when you see people 'planking' you'll know what it's all about. Go on, try it, you know you want too. I'll be so impressed if you do!

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