09 May 2011

Day 22: 10 reasons you wish you were me

Yep that's right, you WISH you were me!! haha. This prompts more about making me think of the extra special things about myself which I find very difficult to do. I've done my best to come up with 10 reasons that will make you wish that you were me!

1. I can easily block out noise.
I can get to sleep quickly by sleeping on my good ear. Seriously, how do you 'normal' hearing people get to sleep?!

2. I don't have a boss.
I have no on-site manager. We have a 'coach', that handles HR stuff and offers guidance for the team, but they are not located in the office and are considered on an equal level to everyone in my team. And as if that wasn't good enough, my coach is a good friend of mine.

3. I live with my best friend.
We hang out, watch movies, play games, cook meals and never have to go home because we already are. What could be better?

4. I can touch type.
I'm not entirely sure why that's on the list, but so many people can't do it and I can so I let it be a feature. If I think of something else that's better I'll bump it.

5. I'm artistic.
I love to paint and pick up a camera all the time (as if you didn't know). I see art and photo opportunities in everything. I like to 'create' 'things and stuff'. Anything that makes my world a better place.

6. Children adore me.
And I adore them. I have a natural affinity with children of all ages, shapes and sizes. I've learnt alot about children through my studies and my work and it's all given me great insights. Can't wait to put it to good use with my nephew (coming soon to a bassinet near you).

7. I don't get embarrased easily.
I'll do anything once and I don't care what others think of me. If I wanna do it I will. I'm not afraid of what some random stranger thinks of me. I feel comfortable enough within myself to make a fool of myself, draw attention to myself or to admit that I might like or do something that's not considered 'normal'.

8. I'm organised. 
And I can organise. I've organised parties and events that have gone really well. I have a good memory for dates and facts, so I am always organised with birthday presents for upcoming birthdays and have my diary all prepared with the weeks tasks ahead. Nothing gets missed. At work I'm even worse, they call me anal, and I don't deny that it's true.

9. I have my own bed. 
No sharing it with others here. I can sleep diaganolly if I want too. Fart if I need too. Have the electric blanket on. Or not. It's all mine and I do with it what I wish.   

10. I have a loving family.
I have a nephew on the way, a sister that's so loving and fun, a brother-in-law that loves with all his heart. I have a brother that would do anything for me, a Dad that is so gentle and kind. I have a Mum that's so inspiring and happy. Beyond my immediate family I have my one Gran, two aunties and three cousins that I see often and that are all special. Plus my Mum's new family that includes for me a future Step-Dad, a Step-Sister, a Step-Brother and wicked nephew, and two gorgeous neices. And if this is not enough, I also have my 'pseudo-family', which consists of one best friend, one good girl friend, and one fantastic (nearly) 10 year old, that keep me company, keep me sane and keep my smiling.

Now, tell me you DON'T wish you were me. I dare ya. :)

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