01 April 2010

The day I used the phrase "I've tipped out of my canoe"

Argh! stess city today, what happened:
1. Slept through alarm and woke up 15 mins AFTER I should have left for work
2. Had no breakfast
3. Workmate put on her "Mum" voice and told me to go for a walk and get something to eat before attempting any work
4. Had about 30 contracts to change in one day (I'd normally do 15 a fortnight)
5. Phone rang non stop because it's the day before easter and everyone wants to get in before going on holiday
6. All team mates were out or taking flexi time
7. Fielded a very abusive phone call from a crazy client.
And that was the point I "tipped my canoe". I asked for a workmate to come back to work, which she did thankfully (my hero). Then I avoided the phone while I worked my tail off to finish everything off for the next payrun (due next week, but I'm away for the week). Got my work all done and covered off, and left work about 2 and a half hours late.

Meanwhile, I've got packing to do for my road trip north tomorrow. Leaving at 4am. Eek.
So I had to grab something quickly for dinner. Didn't want grotty takeaways, so I hightailed it to the mall and bought some sushi. Food never tasted so good!

Road trip in the morning, better get some treats and snacks. It's a road trip, I have to right?! . . .

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