14 April 2010

Woe is me

You'll have to excuse me today, because all I feel like doing is moaning and feeling sorry for myself. Woe is me. What's wrong? Well where do I begin?

1. My car sounds like it's giving birth to puppies. And I can't actually afford the time or the money to get it looked at, let alone fixed. But I'm royally screwed if I don't. Hard Place, Me, Rock.

2. My cat is like my car - dying. He's old and lovely and not well at all. Vet reckons only a few more weeks of 16 lovin, but it's already been 6 since he said that, so I'm holding out hope that he's a stronger cat than we think, and he'll stink around for a few more. I'll miss him terribly when he's gone. :(

3. I really really do not want to hear the phrase "don't worry about it" or "trust that it will work out" from another person. I'm not worried and I don't trust. End of story. Stop saying it now before I throw my toys out of my cot.

I guess I called my blog "My Life Is A Soap Opera" for a reason - it is. So in a failed attempt to try and end this tragic post of woeful whining like a soap opera would end (que cheesy music and the "I love you anyway" speech), here are a few photos that I took that I love, even if I'm not feeling it right now

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