12 April 2010

"Salted Buns for your convienence"

My flatmate is busy slaving away in the kitchen, cooking dinner for me and him. awwww, how lovely.

I've watched him chicken salt and oil the potatoes for roasting and proceed to wipe his hands on the back of his pants. His dress pants and business shirt I should mention. I, of course, laughed at him and asked why he was salting his pants as well?! He tells me it's "Salted Buns for your convenience". What the?!

In what universe do I need HIS buns salted for my convenience?! What conveniences? Why his buns? Why salted? Sooo many questions and not enough time!!

Now he's doing a little "salted buns for your conveience dance (or more like a bottom wiggle with odd arm gestures) around the kitchen.

Never mind the potatoes! hahahhaa. Gotta love mondays and crazy flatmates. Love em.


  1. Wrong on so many levels.

    Can't say I'm surprised, but I am still going to go with wrong.


  2. it was an awesome dance! and it wasn't my dress pants

  3. jeepers - life must be interesting living with J!
