09 April 2010

A crazy, relaxing day

Wow, wow, wow, where do I even begin with today?!?! I'm on annual leave (yes, I know I've told you this already, but I'll keep saying it until it's no longer true! hahaha). I decided that today was going to be a "home" day, a day for chores, tidying, but mainly a day for relaxing and reading my book - and hopefully finishing it.

10.30am - I'm in bed, in my PJ's, curled up with the cats and engrossed in my book. Not caring at all that it's mid morning, just that I don't have to go anywhere or do anything but what I want. My phone rings. The number looks familiar, but it's not listed in my address book, so it could be anyone. It's one of my works big cheeses, calling to let me know that a reliever is coming in to work with me next week when I'm back. Ok, sure, no worries. I start making plans on what I'll get her to do - yep, that filing that's piled up for 3 months is finally going to get done, and not by me. heheheehee

I talk to the girls in the office, cause this development brings speculation on why she's coming, what's going on at her old office, etc etc.

I go back to my book.

I potter around the house.

I muse over the internet. (gotta make sure my farm is running well!)

5.15pm - I go back to reading my book, and just when I'm 5 pages from the end, in the middle of the big reveal of the who the murderer is . . .Phone rings again. This time it's an unlisted cell phone number. Big cheese again. This time to drop a bomb on me and one that she's dropped on all my team mates. Unfortunetly it's all very hush hush until next week, so I can't spill the beans. (Not that anyone is reading this yet I don't think, but even so I can't run the risk.) ANYWAY, big news in the team, in the office, in general! Exciting news! Had to call and talk to all 3 work mates to talk throught the news. I can't believe we have to wait till Monday to talk about it together. With one team member on annual leave on Mon, we've told her we'll conference call her in to our gassbagging - we can't possibly wait until Tues!

Finally, I get back to my book. And the murderer is . . . .

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