19 April 2010

Moving Day

Today was moving day. Moving the office that is.
On Friday it took 5 people, 5 hours to pack a team of 4 people, a 60sqm office and 3 yrs of history into 45 boxes.

Today the movers arrived at 9am and off went all the boxes and furniture. It didn't take to long to empty out and then it was time to say goodbye to the office. Strange, but it didn't feel sad, just surreal really. I've worked there for so long and we've been talking about moving for so long that it's strange to finally be moving.

At the new office (on the other side of town and much closer to home)the boxes and furniture were unloaded in the massive storage area. (How exciting to have a large storage room instead of piling stuff into the bathroom!)

Big cheese took off to take rubbish to the tip and to shop for a coffee table and couches for the staff room. Meanwhile NB and I attacked the storage area in an attempt to create some sort of order. When moved, pushed, pulled and binned all sorts of crazy crap. Several hours later we had created order.

It wasn't until the end of the day that the big cheese and other team members started working on getting the computers and phones set up. (I'd have done it earlier, but I'm absolutely hopeless at computers and wires!)Come 5pm, my computer was just logging on. Just in time for me to log off and go home!

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