18 April 2010

Alphabetical Movie Night - "10 Things I Hate About You"

My flatmate JP and I have embarked on a new writing project. We are going to watch all the movies we own and write about it. The catch? We are watching them in alphabetical order.

Tonight we kicked the project off with "10 Things I Hate About You". We're starting with the numbers and this is the first.

So . . . here we go . . .

Stars: Heath Ledger, Julia Styles & Jospeh Gordon Levitt.
Basic plotline: Boy likes girl, boy gets tough boy to date girls socially awkward sister so he can date girl. Dates and catastrophes ensue. Tough boy gets sister, boy gets girl.

I hadn't watched this for several years. It's such a school love story - almost typical of the genre. It was written as a modern version of Shakespeare's "Taming of the shrew". But seeing as I've never read the play, I have no idea if the likeness is captured or not. It's aged somewhat since the last time I saw it - or perhaps I have?! Watching it tonight, I noticed how aged some of the references are. I think it was released in 2000?!

Heath Ledger is stunningly goregous, my god, when he smiles and his dimples appear - swoon! It's because of this movies that he made it on to my "To Do" list, that is, until he tragically died and was sadly replaced.
Julia Styles - I like her, although watching her in this I'm not really sure why. She was ok, but I've noticed she seems to play the same type of character every time.

But what I really love about this movie is the music. It has some stunning songs and it sparked my love of "Save Ferris". I've listened to the songs over and over again (until I lost the CD) and totally adore them all. They are all a bit different and not the mainstream songs of the time, but manage to capture that time so accuretly.

Overall, a light and sweet movie for a Sunday night. Nothing spectacular, but fun nonetheless.

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