10 April 2011

Catch Up

Goodness, it really has been an awfully long time since I did any blogging. I didn't realise how much until I saw the date! So, what's happened since my last blog I hear you asking, here's a quick run down:

1. I've turned 30! It's not nearly as scary as I had thought when I was 12. To be honest, it feels the same as 29, so I'm not worried at all. No midlife crisis here! I had a wonderful Sunday with breakie with John & Rachel, then lunch with friends and dinner with family. It was so nice to spend such good time with everyone. Not only did I feel very loved and cherished, I was very very full.

2. John & Rachel organised a totally awesome 'Heathers Amazing Race' to celebrate my birthday. It was so much fun! I'm waiting for all the participants to email me all their photos so I can collate them together for it's own special blog.

3. Work is manic for me at the moment - WINZ changes, new enrolment forms, report reductions to do and basic 'interesting' office dynamics to contend with. Nothing I'm not used too, and it does make for a non-boring day.

4. Mum is moving! This week I've been over to pick stuff up and take home with me. Yesterday I go all of her pantry stuff which led to John, Rachel & I cleaning out our own pantry in order to make way for all the new things. Today Lee & Morgan are taking away her furniture. And on Wednesday morning Wayne & Mum get on a plane and fly back to Aus.

5. Mum & Wayne announced their engagement. Wasn't too much of a shock considering Wayne talked to me about in Australia and Mum & I had been talking about what kind of wedding they will have. But nice to have it made official.

6. I booked flights to go to Australia for a week at Queens Birthday. Cheap flights were hard to pass up and I figure that in the middle of winter I'll be wanting a break. And I wanna go before my nephew arrives!

7. Sixteen and Bunker are still here, but seem to be declining week by week. :( But, they are still here, so lots of cuddles are being had.

8. Stupid day light savings. I hate that it gets dark at 6pm. Hate it.

8 things in 3 weeks. I'm sure theres more, but that does seem like an awful lot! I'll blog more appropriately soon, but for now I must dash. More moving of things around this house to do. . . .

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