23 April 2011

Day 6: Websites I regularly visit

My favourites bar is full of different websites that I have found over time and that I like to have bookmarked for later use. Some of them however I visit on a regular basis. Here's a breakdown:

No brainer really - I use gmail. I use google search and google images.

Yep I'm one of those sheeps that signed up just because everyone else did. These days I just FB stalk friends and family. I don't play any of the silly games (anymore), I don't upload photos and I don't really participate to much in the chatter. But for some reason I just can't NOT check FB everyday.

It's how I blog. Like, right now. . .

This website is a postcard project website. You sign up and send postcards to random people around the world, then your name goes out to random people to send you postcards. I've been a member for about 5 months and have sent and recieved about 45 postcards so far. I love postcards, so it's a great way to get some from all over the world.

The online equivalent to the Dominion Post. It's full of news stories and is updated to the minute.

An online game where you have your own 'nation'. Each day you are given issues to take a position on and your nation changes according to the new legislation. It's interesting to see how the decisions you make, effect your growing nation. A bit of harmless fun.

Three live video feeds from three watering holes on safari sites in Africa. You can watch amazing life feeds of african wildlife. If you sign up to the Facebook page, you get the updates telling you when there are animals at the watering holes so you can go watch.

I'm always on the lookout for cheap flights to Auckland and Sydney.

It's where I keep my lack of money.

I use this website to watch all my favourite TV shows. It's American, so it's current with the American season. The site lists all shows and has multiple links to various sites to steam the episodes.
A blog by an amateur photographer that's making a name for herself in the blogging world. She hosts the weekly 'Scavenger Hunt Sunday' challenge that I like to participate in. She has great tips for new photographers like me.

A blog written by 9 talented photographers that muse on a photography topic each week. They ask for submissions and then pic a photo to feature when they muse on that topic. They also have two pages to feature photos from other photographers - Life in Black & White, and Everyday Beauty.

And here are a few more that I don't visit regularly, but that I do like to visit every now and then. You should check them out too:

Lists of odd things. Yep, it's as weird as it sounds, but interesting nonetheless.

All the latest gossip, updates etc about all American TV shows.

Three deals from 12pm to 12pm the following day.

Walmart is the Warehouse of America and this website show photos taken of the crazy people that frequent the store.

An improv group that stage large pranks and theatrics for the unsuspecting public and film them for the pleasure of people everywhere.

Where I get my glasses from. Get your prescription from your optometrist and you too can get a pair of glasses for about $20. It's an American website but the glasses ship from China. Sounds dodgy, but it's ligit. I have 6 pairs and thinking of getting some more shortly.

This site gives GPS coordinates and simple directions to the locations of 'cache's hidden all over the world. There are hundreds in Wellington alone. I'm yet to get a handheld GPS, but I once I do, I'll be off exploring.

A great website to check out for all the latest earthquake data.

The Internet Movie Database. A great resource for my 'Alphabetical Movie Project' reviews.

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