29 April 2011

Day 12: Pet Peeves

Ok, I definetly have some pet peeves. Probably not a good idea to get me started, but here ya go:

1. "Yous" is NOT a word.
I loathe the use of the word. It's not "hey, yous guys", it's "hey, you guys". "Ewes" are female sheep. "Use" is a perfectly acceptable word. "Yous" is not. Don't use it. You sound stupid when you do. If you do attempt to use it around me I will hurt you. You've been warned.

2. Drivers that don't indicate.
Seriously? Come on people! How hard is it to indicate? It's a flip of the lever. And it's the law! The law! The roads would be much safer and I'd get places much easier if you just indicated where you were going for crying out loud!

3. Drivers that block intersections.
You know the ones, the smartarses that drive through an orange light but the traffic on the otherside is back to the intersection and now it's a red light for them, a green light for me and I can't get through. Grrr. And those bloomin drivers that drive into a roundabout but can't get out of it. So annoying! Like above it's the law - you don't drive in to an intersection that you can't get out off!

4. Sponge Bob wears cardboard square pants.
He lives under the sea. But they are cardboard. Under the sea. Do you not see the problem here?! And, they are square. How do they stay square?! Under the sea?! Blimen heck people! It just doesn't make sense!

Ok, that's enough from me. Those are my top pet peeves. I'm sure I have more, but those are the biggest ones. Like I said, don't get me started! 

1 comment:

  1. I am going to get a Sponge Bob Movie so I can watch you flip out over his pants again. muhahahahaha
