27 April 2011

Day 10: Something I'd change

I find this a hard one to answer. There are things that I regret, but I'll save them for the regret post. I could change so many things, but if I did they would change so much more than just that one thing. For example, if I changed the fact that I worked at the Sensitive Claims Unit, because it was just so soul destroying, then I wouldn't have met one of the most important people in my life right now.

I don't so much believe that everything happens for a reason, but more that everything that happens has a connection to something else - as I mentioned above. So, I probably wouldn't change much at all when it comes down to it.

Here's my prime example:
I'm deaf in one ear (and if you didn't know that then welcome to my blog) and have been since I was a 4yrs old (or a baby - depends whether you believe my mother or the ENT specialist). People often say that I must wish I could get my full hearing back if I could. A few years ago the specialist told me that I wasnt' a candidate for surgery to try and fix my hearing. I had to stop him short, as I do anyone that assumes I want to get my full hearing back. I don't. Not at all. I don't know any different. I don't know how go to sleep without sleeping on my good ear for example. The specialist said that my brain simply wouldn't be able to handle the change as all it knows is hearing in one ear.

And my soul wouldn't handle it either. I'm deaf in one ear, I don't know how to be a person with full hearing and why would I want too. When someone asks me why I wouldn't full hearing back and has a look of complete confusion on their face, I ask them if they would like me to take away their hearing. They look at me as if I'm being ridiculous. But do you get what I'm getting at? I know how to be me, a person that hears out of one ear - that's normal to me. Why would I want to change myself to be something different?! If it was actually of a severe disadvantage to me then I would do what I could to make it better, but it's not, so why would I change? Just like you wouldn't want me to take away hearing in one ear, I don't want you to give me hearing in one ear. It would be weird and strange and not at all productive.

So, when I think about changing something, I don't think we can assume that it would be 'better' by doing so, just different. They do say that the grass is greener on the otherside, but I can't help but think that if you do think that changing to the otherside will be better, you will probably just end up on the otherside wishing you could go back to the beginning. It might be greener, but it's not the same. Besides what if you just didn't wait long enough and the grass back there is really as lush and as green as you thought you were going too?

Life is never perfect, we just have to do the best we can with what we have and hope that everything works out in the end. And it probably will if you let it :)

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