09 May 2010

Happy Birthday Gran & BLM

This weekend has been a weekend that our family has been thinking about since my cousin BLM was born 21 years ago. Yesterday was my Gran's 80th birthday and today is my BLM's 21st birthday.

When my aunt was pregnant with BLM, her due date was Gran's birthday. So there was lots of betting going on about who was going to win the birthday race? Gran or the new baby? Turned out to be Gran, but only by a day. When we was born, somebody very quickly worked out that they would both have their very significant birthdays on the same weekend. How cool! And ever since then, everyone knew, Gran and BLM would have a joint 80th and 21st Party.

Last night was that party.

It was held at the Loafes and Fishes hall at the anglican cathedral in the city (where Gran frequents on a sunday morning). Everyone that was invited was asked to bring a plate of food in lieu of a present, but of course most people turned up with both.

I was put in charge of "cleaning up" and "the cake". I enlisted the services of my friend MS, who has her own cake decorating business. She made a 2 tier cake that was white chocolate mud cake on the bottom and banana on the top. Gran had her opinions about the cake, and I must have changed the order quite a few times! (Because we couldn't have a black ribbon the cake, it would be too much like a funeral cake?! Who has funeral cakes?!) anyway... all the fuss was worth it in the end, because the cake looked fabulous and it tasted amazing. Everyone had a piece, and everyone loved it! I was the golden girl of the party after the cake was digested. Thanks MS!!

The party was mostly my Gran's friends - all the oldies from church and years of being an active woman in the Wellington area. Most of the "young ones" were cousins, distant cousins and children of family friends. It was a bit surreal to be introduced to these adults and told they are that kid I last saw when she was 6!

There was only two speeches - Mum did a poem that she wrote on behalf of her and my Aunt GA. It was witty and fun. Then an old family friend, godfather of BLM, did a speech. Much to the horror of the family he discussed at length how BLM's mother died when he was 15yrs old, what type of person she was and what he's taken from her (genes wise). And then if that was bad enough, he started discussing BLM's biological father and discussing his traits and what BLM has and hasn't taken from him. This shocking bit about this is that only immediate family and a handful of my aunts friends know who BLM's biological father is, and that he doesn't want anything to do with BLM. And, if that's not bad enough, he also discuss's how BLM's adoptive father died last year. (It's fair to say that at 21 BLM has had a pretty rough ride when it comes to parents!).

The night ended early (as it does with oldies partying). The amount of food left over is phenominal. I think I came home with much more food than I took with me. At least JP is going to do well out of the leftovers!

Next weekend BLM is having a second party - one much more focused on the young ones, and for all his mates to come too. LB and I have very graciously offered to do the token "extended family speech". We realised that while his brothers met BLM at 6 yrs old, we will probably be the only ones that knew him before then. So, we're going to present "BLM: 0 to 6yrs". Should be a riot! This afternoon I'm going through old photos for ones of BLM and us as kids. And the very best bit is that he's the youngest cousin and brother, so he's got no one to exact revenge on! muahahahahaha.


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