06 May 2010

Complaints and Art Thiefs.

Apparently a memo went round that I missed. It said "6th May is Poop on Browne's Day"

Both my sister and I have had just plain "pooey" days.

My day was probably a bit better than LB's but it's all subjective I guess.
I had to put up with complaints filed against me by a person I work with. All complaints have been deemed unfounded and I wasn't really that surprised or upset by them. Unfortunetly this person and I do not really get along and she considers me to be imcompetent. I don't mean to sound conceted, but I'm good at my job and pretty experienced. I don't have any other problems with any of my other areas or teams and have even been told that some of the people at head office think that I'm pretty good too. (Yay me!)

Luckily for me I had two of our support people in the office today and was able to go through everything with them. As I knew they would, they backed me up and are working on pulling this person in to line.

Really this mess just mucked my day around. I had so much more better things to do. No doubt that the person complaining will now complain that I didn't do something else and why is that?! because I was busy dealing with your other complaints you fool!

Ok, rant over.
On to LB.

LB is an art student, in her final year of an arts degree. She arrives at her studio today to discover that some stupid twat has stolen some of her artwork!! I mean honestly, what dork steals art?!

They've taken her handmade canvas' (they were pretty impressive). The best bit is that the Uni know about it and if they hand in art on her canvas' they will be caught and kicked out. So they can't use them, so why steal them?! I don't get it.

Being an art student brings up conotations of a poor student, starving for their art. And it's really not that far from the truth. Well the being a poor student anyway. LB herself said "stealing art from an art student is like stealing food from the hungry". :(

On a side topic, LB needs varnishes and house paints for her current project. So if you have spare tins lying around, let me know and I'll get her to come pick them up from you.


  1. I only just read this today very cute. and Annaliese calls me LB :)

  2. I'm calling everyone by their initials just to respect their privacy really :) It does make it annoying that both my siblings are LB though!!
