26 January 2011

I'm going to be an Aunty!

I'm so excited to announce that I'm going to be an aunty! My sister Lee and her fiance Morgan ('husband' in one month today!) are expecting a wee baby (we hope it's human) in July.

I was asked - respectably- to wait until at least three months before making any type of comments on here "just in case" and fair enough, but it's been pretty hard containing my excitement I must say. To be on the safe side I waited until now - she's 16 weeks, so we're fairly safe now.

The week before the wedding they are going to have the 20 week scan and fingers crossed (or legs uncrossed to be more precise) we'll be able to find out if it's a wee nephew or niece I'm getting. Honestly, I don't mind what it is as long as it's healthy. Sounds cliche to say, but it's so true. They are considering only telling immediate family what it is, so I'll have to stay tightlipped on my blogs for fear of spilling the beans. Lee even threatened not to tell me what it is! So I solemly promise NOT to spill the beans! I PROMISE LEE!!

Tonight we had our weekly wedding meeting at which I had to ask Lee if she was sporting a little baby belly or a big pumpkin and chicken dinner belly? And it was totally a little baby belly! Apparently at 16 weeks the baby is the size of an avocado, so that's pretty big to be hiding in your belly.

Lee signed up to a website that email's weekly updates of "what your baby's doing this week". Among other things it tells you how big it is that week and it's always the size of some fruit, vegetable or food. The first weekly email I read described the baby as the size of a kumquat. What an odd fruit to compare it to I thought and straight away that's the babies nickname.

Oooo, I haven't even told you how she told us. . . Lee and Morgan told his family over the phone (they live up north) but wanted to tell me and Mum in person (seeing as we are the only family living in Wellington). At the beginning of December they invited us over for a pre-christmas BBQ. When we got there they were talking about their flatmate moving out and told us to come and look at their plans for his room. It went something like this:
Lee: So, this is Greg's room. It's bigger than the study so we're going to make this Morgan's office and study. And then come look at the office. . .
we walk down to the office. . .
Lee: See it's much smaller, but it's sunnier so it will make a good room for the baby. . .
Heather: What baby?!
Lee: I'm pregnant!
Heather: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's me screaming, jumping up and down and hugging Lee).
Mum: ________________________ (jaw has hit the floor at the point) Really?
Lee: Yes really.
Morgan: (Singing) I'm going to be a Daddy, I'm going to be a Daddy.

It was pretty cool. Mum didn't want to believe it was true just in case she was playing some sort of horrific practical joke. I was just to excited and was about 97% certain Lee wouldn't make a joke of this.

So there you go, now you know why my blog posts were a little light in December  - I was trying so hard to NOT spill the beans. I'm going to be an Aunty! and I'm just so excited!

Here's Kumquats first picture (thousands more will follow in time, but for now, this is the first and most precious one of all):

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