08 July 2010

Quick Week Recap

Ok, so it's been a pretty busy week and I've been sick, so here's a really quick recap of all the things that have been happening:

- I've been sick (yeah yeah, I know I said that already, but I'm recaping remember). I've had a cold, which means I then get a sinus infection, a chesty cough and very sore ears. I had to take a couple of days off sick.

- We had our Mid-Winter Educator Dinner at work. Always a big affair every year and another good one this year. Held at the Temperance Bar in town. The food was rather crappy and the team left early, but otherwise a good night.

- Went wedding dress shopping on Saturday and got some good ideas. I'm meeting Lee tomorrow after work to see another one that she has found.

- Had lunch on Sunday with the crew. Was a fun catch up and we even managed to get out a loud round of "Happy Birthday" to TC who insisted she was just 18 with 12 yrs experience.

- Had a team meeting on Monday in which a rather sick me was singled out and yelled at by a team mate. It wasn't pleasant and she doesn't believe she did anything wrong, just says I took it personally because I was sick. hmmmmm. Then had a team building excercise, which of course after the meeting, I was not too happy about.

- Started taking Vitamin C tablets (berry flavour seeing as I hate Orange flavour) and Evening Primrose tablets (good for skin conditions, PMS symptoms and flu symptoms - all of which I get). Feeling a little better, but not sure if the tablets have anything to do it.

- Gran is moving in to a retirement village and my Aunt has decided she's buying a house as a result of Gran's moving out. She's rather impulsive and only 32 hours after the decision of Gran moving, she's put an offer in on a place. hmmm. Good thing the trustees of the trust have Gran's best interests in mind.

- Dad's been getting good grades in school - well done Dad! He's been keeping me posted on the goings on in AKLD division of the family. Another area where I can only hang my head and sigh.

- Had a chat with my coach support person at work (kinda like the manager, but not) about the very uneven workloads between me and my counterpart (mine being twice as big). Also chatted about my future plans and I expressed an interest in working towards a coaching role myself. Hopefully with her support and guidance I'll be on track to pursuing this move.

- Had another Wedding Planning meeting. We're at the "lots happening, but not much to finialise" stage, so it was a rather quick meeting. But it was good to have dinner with Mum and Lee - always nice to have a Mum and Sis dinner.

- Had my haircut tonight. Cut and Colour - lovely :) I'm sticking with the dark chocolate brown - I love it. Every now and then I think of going back to natural colour, but I could never do it, I love the dark colour to much.

- JP got a new phone and it's pretty 'gay'. Thats his words. It's so light and little - it's just like a toy one you'd give a kid to play with. It's provided much amusement and teasing.

- Overheard some rumours at work of people complaining about me - again, not very pleasant. I've decided to ignore them - if they can't be adult enough to discuss their issues with me directly, then it's their problem not mine. As a result I've noticed some strange behaviour from one colleague - she's been very off and rude with me. I'm not to concerned - I'm not that fond of her. It's just odd.

- Ordered more medication for my cat Sixteen. I get a new lot each month and this month when I picked it up they told me that I'd have to bring Sixteen in for a check up before the next repeat. Why? I ask, Is it because you told me that Sixteen would only live for a few more weeks and the medication would keep him comfortable? And that was the beginning of Feb! My cat's doing the "Up yours Vet!" hehehehe. Love it.

And here he is, isn't he lovely!:

So, not such a "quick" recap after all, but it's been a long long week!

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