31 July 2010

New Glasses

Every year I have a check up at the Optometrist. Apparently I have freckles on the back of my eyeballs that need yearly monitoring. I also have a scar on the back of one - the Optometrist said this is usually from a eyeball munching parasite, that I would have had during the flu one time. Never fear, he's gone now.

Anyway, for the first time in several years my prescription hasn't changed. So I figure that's a good reason to order some more glasses online. I have a great site (thanks NB!) that I use. I end spending abotu $100 for three pairs.

The website is http://www.zennioptical.com/ Check it out!

So now I have two presciption sunglasses and SIX pairs of glasses! And so you can see them I took photos to show you. Please note that neither the glasses nor I look particularly brilliant in these pictures, but they give you a bit of an idea.

These are my originaly pair - circa 2004. They are starting to chip around the edges and the plastic starting to yellow - damn foundation. They are still my faves and the ones I resort too when I'm tired.

These ones are actually grey. They are thinner than the first pair.

These ones are black on the outside and blue on the inside. They are slightly lopsided - which I need to get fixed. They are my usual "home" glasses.
These are the latest pair I bought. They are the first "half-frame" I've had because I've always worried about how on earth the glass would stay in and fortuetsly one of the lenses fell out within 5 minutes of showing them off at work the next morning. I managed to get it back in ok, fingers crossed it stays in.

Yep, pinky purple ones. They are pretty cool in real life, despite looking a bit fuddy duddy here. I like the change in colour - they will be great for when I need to add a bit of spunk to an outfit.

JP's been calling these my "Granny Glasses". They are metal with white stripes, and I like em! I like that they are different!

And just so you know here, are my prescription sunnies:

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