25 July 2010

Engagement Party

Last night was Lee and Morgan's Engagement Party. Lee did the invitiation and it was beautiful. We were asked to bring a small dessert, except that Lee isn't a good speller and it said "please bring a small desert". So we did. Or the family did anyway. haha

Lex made a small diaragma with sand and toy meerkats, then painted the box black and glued on stars.
Dad bought a box of star wars lego - they fly through the desert.
Mum got a toy goat and stuck him on a rock in some sand.
I got a postcard from the middle east that's of camels in the desert and framed it.
JP & RC's daughter L made a desert in a container and also took along one of my camel soft toys.

Oh and we also took some desserts (Brandy Snaps, Icecream and Cheesecake - yum yum!)

Of course Lee & Morgan thought the deserts were great as well as embarrasing - if anyone's going to call her on a spelling mistake, it's going to be us. But the rest of the party goers did seem to find it amusing, so it's all ok :)

Dad bought a 'crate' of champagne which went down very well with the guests. It was pretty yummy too. Lee and I had the worlds smallest champagne flutes - they held about 3 mouthfuls in total. So I decided to be a good hostess and offer the bottle around to everyone, which also meant that I could top up my tiny glass whenever I needed too. hehe.

It was such a mixture of people, my entire family was there including my Gran, plus TC and PS (who arrived rather late after being dropped off at my house instead of Lee's) who have known Lee since she was about 5 years old. There was Lee's work mates, Morgan's friends from the Waikato, Bandmates, Friday Clubbers.

Mum left early on as she's not too well and unfortunetly missed what turned into some lengthy speeches. It all happened by mistake I think. Someone clinked a glass to get another persons attention, but instead it got the entire parties attention. So Morgan stood up to speak, followed by several other people. Most telling how they know Morgan, how he met Lee and how awesome she is. I raised a toast to Lee & Morgan having a long and happy life. MM piped in with a few words too which was nice. I noticed that Morgan's friend girlfriend was videoing them, so Mum you might be able to seem them if Lee can get a copy?

The cutest bit of the whole night was the 18mth old. He's the gorgeous son of one of Lee's friends (who's also a bridesmaid). He was the life of the party, playing with everyone, touching everything. He even managed to start some fun finger pointing and touching game with JP. Super cute.

And then there was my lizard, who later got the name 'Ernie'. He was leftover from the desert making extravaganza, so Mum told me to stick him in my top and perhaps some hot single man would fish him. So I did. The 18mth old fished  him out first, then the gay guy, then my friends' partner, then the other bridesmaid. I decided that Ernie just wasn't doing his job right or I was wearing him incorrectly?! At the end of the night he didn't even come home with me haha.

Now I just need some neurofen and water and I'll be good. :)

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