29 July 2011

A Random Page

Lets see what we learn tonight simply by flicking to a random page of "The Modern Womans' Guide to Everything"

 . . . page 159 . . .

Cleaning Ideas for a spare 10, 30 or 60 minutes

1. Ten Minutes. Identify the most unruly drawer in your house - underwear? kitchen utensils? desk? - and clean it out.

2. Thirty Minutes. Do a house speed-clean. Pick up anything that is on the floor and looks abandoned, such as dirty clothes, newspapers and shoes. Wipe down or vacuum every unencumbered surface that is larger than a pillowcase. Clean the toilet, the bathroom basin and the kitchen sink, including the taps. You're done.

3. Sixty Minutes. Save your backyard from death by neglect. If it is large, divide it up into four sections and do one section today. Get a hessian sack or a box and string. With gloves and secateurs, put weeds in the sack or box and tie up cut branches. Plan you four-pronged atack to coincide with the next council clean-up. Most councils have garden clean-ups as well as general clean-ups. Ring and ask them.

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