17 April 2013

Lunatic class

Item number three on "The List" is Go Aqua Jogging.

Aqua Jogging was something my Mum did for years, every Sunday afternoon with her friend Jan. I joined her once in a blue moon. We'd go down to Johnsonville pool and jog laps around the diving pool for about 30 to 45 minutes.

In the winter getting out of the pool was the hardest part. No matter how fast you go to your towel on the side of the pool, it wasn't fast enough. Never mind that hauling yourself out of the pool was when you realised how much excerise you'd been doing while in the pool. All of sudden your legs are tired and your arms are heavy. The water holds you up, supports you and gives you a false sense of calm. Basically, it tricks you in to thinking that you're not really exercising, when you are. And that sounds like my kind of exercise.

For a long time Rach and I have talked about going aqua jogging. Once it was on 'The List' it became a fairly easy thing for us to cross off.

I bought new togs, ooooo new togs. . . We rugged up warm and went to the pool to jog around the dive pool for 35 minutes. It was a good evening and we managed to get lots of wedding planning done in the process. We felt good about it and decided to try out Huia pool in Lower Hutt, a location close to Rach's home. Rather than go around and around the dive pool, we went up and down the lanes, stopping only to try and decipher the exercise instructions at the end.

This seemed like a rather genius exercise plan, how had we not done this earlier?! Anna decided to join us but we could only go at 7pm, which was the same time as the Deep Water Aqua Fit class. Why not? we thought.

We arrived at the class and 'suited up' (aka, put on floaty devices). About 10 other people turned up and jumped in the pool. We quickly realised that they were experienced class goers. The instructor stood on the side of the pool and very energetically 'instructed' us around the pool. And it was at this point that we realised that it wouldn't be just your normal jog around the pool.

For the next 55 minutes we leapt, star jumped, sprinted, squated, floated our way around the pool. We used the floaty dumb bells, we did weird floating exercises that made me giggle so much that I feared I'd wee or drown, or both. There was accidental butt grabbing and jokes about our natural flotation devices.

And after the class we were all exhausted, but in very high spirits. We renamed the class 'Lunatic Class'. It was the funnest and most high impact exercise that I've enjoyed in a long time.

What started out as a desire to cross something off 'The List', has turned into a fun exercise routine and one I hope to keep up. Lunatic Class is on again this Wednesday. Who wants to join us?! You'll get a massive workout and have fun in the process. Come on, you know you want too!

(Tonight was the second time we went to the lunatic class and it was still lots of fun. We had noodles to tame this time round and I'll be honest, me and the noodle are not at one with each other.).

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