11 February 2011

a few busy words

I dont' think I've ever felt so busy in my life. I remember being stressed to the max - school certificate art and final uni exam times are springing to mind, but I don't remember ever being this busy. I bought a diary this year and thank goodness I did. It's been a lifesaver. If I was trying to retain all this info and scheduling in my head I'd be a lot more stressed.

This afternoon I came home from work and took neurofen and panadol to kill the killer headache I'd developed only a half hour before leaving work. It wasn't until John gave me a cold flannel and I put it on my forehead that I realise I was both dehydrated and exhausted.

Don't get me wrong I'm loving have so much to do and would much rather be busy than bored. I don't really have the energy to list everything that's going on. Just know that in two weeks Lee gets married. That will probably explain it for most of you out there! I totally love it all. I'm just so busy.

What on earth am I going to do once it's all over?! John is organising my 30th for me - I just can't fathom organising another event right now. There will be moving in April and a wee niece or nephew arriving in July. So there will be lots to do I know it. Phew!

Bring on 12 days sitting on the beach in Australia in March I say!

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