26 June 2012

Erik the Viking

And now for more Alphabetical Movie Project reviews .  .  .

Erik the Viking was the next E movie and it's one of John's. Now, while I can remember the movie generally I don't remember enough to write a proper synopsis, so please forgive what I'm about to do. Namely, give you the blurb from the back of the DVD case;

In this Pythonesque staire of Viking life, Erik the Viking is a considerate man in a violent time. Erik doesn't enjoy killing and raping like his fellow men, so when he returns from another campaighn of rape and pillage, he wants to change his life. Erik the Viking gathers warriors from his village and sets out on a dangerous journey to Valhalla, to end the Age of Ragnarok, and bring peace and sunlight to the kingdom. To get there he has to lead a pathetic group of seasick sailors through the Gates of the World. But all threatens to fail when the local blacksmith plots to sabotage the excursion to protect his lucrative weapons business.

Tim Robbins stars as the naive and yet sweet Erik the Viking, leading his men to Valhalla. Eartha Kitt and John Cleese star as well as Terry Jones as King Arnulf. Mickey Rooney has a cameo as Erik's grandfather.

I always get a little bit nervous about John's movies. He loves his horrors, thrillers, gruesome movies as well as 'older' movies. But I'm often a little to harsh and found this 1989 comedy about vikings rather amusing. Funny even. It was worth all it's chuckles and humorous piss taking of era.

I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would and it was fun to see something that didn't take itself too seriously. If you like comedies then you should give this a try. It's typical of the time, not a lot of music but filled with lots of jokes and stupidty. Give it a go. Why not?

Next up is Erin Brokovich, Escape to New York and Ever After.

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