24 October 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

A public holiday on a Monday is a great opportunity to catch up on Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

1. Words
My fridge is covered with words - The supermarket shopping list, a cookie recipie, Recycling information and the New Zealand national anthem.

2. Under
Under the leaves of the strawberry plants are tiny little strawberry flowers.

3. Orange
This is a spoon stiring apricot jam. I love the abstract-ness of the macro shot.

4. Fly
Wood pigeons fly around our neighbourhood with great big wooping sounds, but every once in a while they stop and sit on the telephone wires.

5. Alway look on the bright side
This photo really captures "always look on the bright side" for me. Normally picking up the garden hose and finding a weta on it would freak me out, but this time I was pleased I followed my number one gardening rule (alway have your camera handy) as it presented a great photo opportunity.


  1. What a great set - love the detail in your last shot.

  2. I love your last shot Always Look on the Bright Side!

  3. I have to say your orange shot is amazing! :)

  4. your word shot is amazing as is your bright side shot. cant wait to see more next week.

  5. I LOVE fly...what a great interpretation!
